People living in, working in, and visiting European and Asian capitals take it for granted that, when they need to go, they will find a clean, safe, available public restroom nearby.
This, unfortunately, is not the case in Washington, DC, our nation’s Capital. If you are in downtown DC and urgently have to go, you will have a hard time finding a public restroom nearby. Even if there is one, the hours are limited and there are no signs to tell you where it is located.
Some private restaurants and food chains, might let you in. However, increasingly they are limiting access to patrons. And, if you are walking in Washington DC late at night and urgently have to go, you may be in big trouble.
Chances are you will have to walk a half-mile to three miles to find a clean, safe, restroom that is open; that is, if you know where the few restrooms in DC open 24/7 are located.
The People for Fairness Coalition (PFC) — established in April 2008 with the objective of finding housing for everyone in Washington DC through advocacy, outreach and peer mentoring — has taken up the challenge of ensuring that DC, like European & Asian capitals, has clean, safe public restroom that are available when needed.
To this end, July 2014 we established the PFFC Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative.
Our goal is to convince the DC government to install clean, safe public restrooms available to everyone in needed areas of DC.
[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]
Our strategy is to:
- raise consciousness of the need
- educate on the problem and who benefits
- build support through advocacy
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]
To date we have:
- carried out research to document the problem in DC, carried out a feasibility study to identify options for clean, safe public restrooms appropriate for DC; did studies of two options, Portland Loo and Community Toilet Scheme to identify take aways for Washington DC
- delivered over 70 presentations to: DC government officials, DC Council Members/staff, ANCs, BIDs, churches, community associations, social advocacy organizations;
- inspired and informed the introduction in April 2017 by four DC Council members of Bill 22-0223, Public Restroom Facilities Installation & Promotion Act of 2017 which became Law 22-280 on April 11, 2019, and and as of Oct. 1, 2019 was funded under the DC FY 2020 budget;
- appeared in the written media (Washington Post, WTOP, Greater Washington, DC Currents, DC Line, Curbed DC, Street Sense), on radio (KojoNnamdi Show); and television (WUSA9, FOX5news, WJLA)
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We have also prepared and distributed four-panel palm size cards for individuals who experiencing homelessness/must carry bags around them with information on restrooms they can access (locations, hours, limitations on bags allowed).[/vc_column_text][et_parent tab_style=”linebox” color_tab_txt=”#02468f” color_tab_bg=”#ffffff” color_act_txt=”#ffffff” color_act_bg=”#02468f” el_class=”pffcdc_tabs”][et_single icon=”no-icon” tab_title=”News” tab_id=”02ba0d08-ec67-1″][vc_column_text]
Latest News
- On April 23, 2021 Mayor Bowser issued a report on Recent Incidents of Urination and Defecation.
This report, prepared by the Department of General Services, summarizes information obtained through a questionnaire issued to ANCs, BIDs, and Clean Teams asking them to identify locations within their boundaries where a standalone public restroom is needed. It also provides information from DC Government agencies on areas of DC where there have been reports of significant amounts of urination and defecation.
2. On May 23, 2021 the Mayor named a Working Group tasked with determining the standalone public restroom model and two locations where it will be installed under the first pilot. The Working Group had its first of 6 monthly meetings on June 17, 2021 with plans to present its report in December 2021.
The Working Group, facilitated by a representative from the Deputy Mayor’s Office for Health & Human Services is composed of representatives from: DHS, DOH, DDOT, DGS, DPW, MPD, DC Water, Miriams Kitchen, Unity Health Care and an urban planner from the Downtown BID
3. Funds have been made available in the FY 2022 budget to implement the Community Incentives Pilot, patterned on the successful Community Toilet Scheme implemented by Boroughs throughout England.
DSLBD, tasked with identifying a BID to carry out this pilot, has resumed its preparations for implementing this pilot, put on hold in March 2020 with the onset of COVID 19.
How We Got Started
It all began in July of 2014 when, at one or our weekly PFC meetings, a member raised the issue. Although it was not central to our objective of finding housing for everyone who needs it in DC, we decide it was important for us to take it on: everyone, including those without housing, need to have safe, clean, restrooms available any time of day or night.
We started by learning from the experiences of other cities in the US and Canada that have had recently been successful in installing and maintaining public restrooms that are clean, safe, and available 24/7. With models and lessons in hand, in November 2014 we established our Downtown Washington DC Public Restroom Initiative. We formed a committee composed of five passionate members of PFC who are determined to stay the course until clean, safe restrooms available 24/7 are installed in needed areas of downtown DC. We have been meeting weekly since November 2014 and carrying out activities in between.
Inventory of facilities with restrooms in five areas of downtown DC
Our first task was to determine whether downtown DC has a problem. Between January and March of 2015 we selected five areas of downtown DC that have a large population of individuals without housing and high levels of pedestrian traffic. We visited 85 restrooms in private establishments in these areas in order to find out whether we could use their restrooms without purchasing something. If they let us in, we: wrote down the hours the establishment was open, and we entered the restroom in order to see if the restroom was clean and safe. We also did an internet search in order to identify restrooms in DC that are open 24/7.
Our analysis concluded that downtown Washington DC does have a problem. Half of the establishments that we visited limited access to patrons and those that were open to the public are increasingly putting locks and combinations on their bathroom doors. There are only 3 clean, safe restrooms open 24/7 in all of Washington DC. If you have to go urgently and don’t know the area well you wouldn’t know where to go as there is no signage leading you to these restrooms. For more information see the 3-page summary of the report or the 14 page full report.
Our accomplishments
- Carried out feasibility study to identify lessons learned/best practices from other cities in the US and elswhere that have been successful in installing and maintaining clean, safe public restrooms available to everyone 24/7
- Conducted annual inventories of 85 private facilities in 5 areas of DC with high levels of pedestrian traffic to identify those willing to admit individuals who aren’t patrons. In 2015, 50% (43 out of 85) permitted access to non-patrons. This dropped to 33% (28) in 2016 and 13% (11) in 2017.
- Did comprehensive search to identify public facilities off the Mall with restrooms open to the public. As of May 2018, there were five open during the day with limited hours and no signs; and two open 24/7 again with no signs.
- Reviewed the experience of four Boroughs in England that have implemented the Community Toilet scheme and prepared a report with insights have can be helpful when the DC government pilots incentives to businesses to open their restrooms to the public.
- Sent questionnaire to 28 cities in the US and Canada that have installed Portland Loo in order to learn from their experiences. Full report and summary provide key findings and take aways for Washington DC should it decide to install one or more Portland Loos.
Served as inspiration for Bill 22-0223, Public Restroom Facilities Installation and Promotion Act of 2018 passed by the DC Council in December, 2018
- Bill 22-0223, introduced in April 2017, directs DC government agencies to (1) identify 2 sites in the District that are suitable for installing clean, save public restrooms available 24/7; (2) establish a program to provide incentives to private facilities to open their restrooms to the public.
- Hearing held on Bill 22-0223 on January 10, 2017 with 13 individuals testifying from various perspectives on why clean, safe public restrooms are needed.
- Bill 22-0223 was marked up by the Committee on Transportation & Environment and the Committee on Health, then passed to the DC Council of the Whole where it was passed by two consecutive unanimous votes on December 4 and 18,2018.
Recent Testimonies at DC City Council Hearings
- January 15, 2020, Department of Small and Local Business Development Oversight Hearing
- January 29, 2020, Department of Human Services Oversight Hearing
- February 27, 2020, Department of General Services Oversight Hearing
Support for Bill 22-0223:
- Endorsements obtained from 34 organizations for clean, safe public restrooms and for Bill 22-0223. This includes resolutions from 13 ANCs in Wards 1,2, 3,5, and 8.
- Three BIDS (Downtown DC, Georgetown, Capitol Hill) support the need for clean, safe public restrooms in needed areas of DC.
- Two thousands signatures to two petitions supporting clean, safe public restrooms for needed areas of the District
Preparation/distribution of palm cards and posters with information on public restrooms in and near downtown DC
- Over 3,000 four-panel palm cards – front, back (size of a business card) plus 11″ x 17″ posters distributed with information, by area of DC, on restrooms open to the public: location, hours or operations, whether bags can be brought in.
DC Council Members/staffers briefed on the need for public restrooms and Bill 22-0223.
- Briefings provided to Council Members Nadeau, Silverman, Grosso, Robert White, McDuffie, Allen, Cheh
Briefings provided for other key agencies/associations
- DC Department of General Services (DGS),
- American Association of Retired People (AARP)
- Hotel Association of Washington DC
- Think Local First
- Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington
- BID Council
Bill 22-0223 becomes Law and first year funding is made available
- Bill 22-0223, Public Restroom Facilities Installation & Promotion Act of 2018, became Law 22-280 on April 11,2019.
- On May 28, 2019 the DC Council passed its FY 2020 budget. Included in the budget is $400,000 for first year funding for the two public restroom pilots, with provisions for recurrent funding through FY 2024.
- Law 22-280 went into effect on October 1, 2019.
- January 2020: Office of the City Administrator assigned by the Mayor to oversee the implementation of Law 22-280.
Media appearances:
- Kojo Nnamdi Show, , March 2017 December 2018
- Washington Post, December 2017, January 2019
- DC Currents, November 2016, December 2016
- Street Sense, January 2015, February 2017, February 2018
- Greater Greater Washington, September 6, 2018 & September 14, 2018
- WJLA, September 15, 2018
- The DC Line, October 9, 2018, December 20, 2018
- Hill Rag, October 22, 2018
- FOX5DC, November 29, 2018
- WUSA9, December 5, 2019
- Curbed DC, December 18, 2018, June 3, 2019
- Next City, December 20, 2018
- City Lab, December 21, 2018
- WETA, June 6, 2019
- CleanLink, June 8, 2019
- We are on Twitter @DCrestrooms, with over 380 followers
Documents available from our Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative
[bullets effect=”none”][bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]Presentation to DC Council Members and Staffers, March 2017[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”][bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]Presentation to Working Group named by Mayor on PFFC’s accomplishments and Standalone Public Restroom Pilot, Aug. 19, 2021[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”][bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]Presentation to DC BID Council on Community Restrooms Incentives Pilot,Sept. 14,2021[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”][bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]2015 Postcard[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”][bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]2019 Postcard[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”][bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]Palm foldout restroom card[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”][bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]2014 Feasibility Study[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]2015 Restroom Inventory – summary[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]2015 Restroom Inventory – full report[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]2016 Restroom Inventory Follow-Up[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]2018 Community Toilet Scheme Report[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]2019 Portland Loo Report – summary[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]2019 Portland Loo Report – full report[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]PLUSH Public Restroom Toolkit[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]PHLUSH Public Restroom Toolkit[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]March 20, 2017 Portland Loo presentation by Greg Madden[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]The Restroom Challenged[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Online Petition[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]ANC1B resolution[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]ANC1C resolution[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]ANC2A resolution[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”] ANC2B resolution[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]ANC2C resolution[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]ANC2F resolution[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]ANC3C resolution[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]ANC3E resolution[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]ANC3F resolution[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]ANC5E resolution[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Public Restroom Facilities Installation and Promotion Act of 2018, Law 22-0280[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Testimonies 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]Washington Post Article, December 2015[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]Street Sense Article – New Bill for Public Restrooms in the District, January 2017[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]Huffington Post Article – Why Cities Should Have Public Restrooms, January 2017[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]Street Sense Article – Nowhere to “Go”: Growing Need for Public Restrooms Open 24/7, February 2017[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]Kojo Knamdi – The Push For Public Restrooms In D.C., March 2017[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]Washington Post Op-ed – Marcia Bernbaum – Why does D.C. have so few public restrooms?, December 2017[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]DCFPI Blog: DC should take steps to improve public restroom access, January 2018[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”] Greater Greater Washington – Clean, safe, and accessible bathrooms make cities livable, September 2018[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]Greater Greater Washington DC needs more public bathrooms. These are three types it could adopt, September 2018[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]WJLA: Bill pushing for more public restrooms in DC – September 2018[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]DCFPI: hen You Gotta Go You Gotta Go: But Where? – September, 2018[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]The DC Line: Leonard S. Greenberger: Public restroom access is a human right, October 2018[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]Tell the DC Council: we need more public bathrooms downtown[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]Hill Rag: Improve DC restroom access. Support the Public Restroom Facilities Installation & Promotion Act of 2017 – October 2018[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]Washington Post: Among the pressing issues in the Nation’s Capital: where to to to the bathroom, January 2019 [/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]Curbed DC: DC Restroom Pilot Programs get Funded Under DC 2020 Budget, June 2019 [/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]WTOP: DC Moves to Make More 24 Hour Restrooms Available to the Public, June, 2019 [/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]1A: When You Gotta Go: the Public Restroom Problem, January 2021[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-newspaper-o” color=”theme”]The Hill Rag: A DC Group Advocates for Places to “Go”, February 2021[/bullet]
Listed below are the organizations that have formally endorsed us. As we receive additional endorsements we will update this section.
The Downtown DC BID, the Georgetown BID, and the Capitol Hill BID cannot provide formal endorsements/ However, all three support public restroom access for all members of the Downtown DC community to support a higher quality life for our residents, workers and guests.
As of February 2, 2019 we have endorsements from the following organizations:
— ANC1A (Columbia Heights)
— ANC1B (14th St & U St.corridors)
— ANC1C (Adams Morgan)
— ANC2A (Foggy Bottom)
— ANC2B (Dupont Circle)
— ANC2C (Gallery Place Areas)
— ANC2F (Downtown DC)
— ANC3C (Cathedral Heights/Cleveland Park)
— ANC3D (Spring Valley & Palisades)
— ANC3E (Tenley-American University)
— ANC3F (UDC & Forrest Hills)
— ANC5e (Bloomingdale)
— ANC8d (Bellevue & Far Southwest DC)
—Church of the Epiphany
— Foundry United Methodist Church
— Friends Meeting of Washington DC
— Western Presbyterian Church
Neighborhood Organizations
— Dupont Circle Citizen’s Association
— Dupont Circle Village
— Foggy Bottom Association
Organizations supporting DC’s underserved populations
— DC Fiscal Policy Institute (DCFPI)
— Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless
— Fair Budget Coalition
— Community of Hope
— Miriams Kitchen
— Pathways to Housing DC
— Collective Action for Safe Spaces
— Coalition of Non-profit Housing and Economic Development (CNHED)–
— Food and Friends
— Jews United for Justice
— The DC Center
— Crohn’s & Colitis Association
— DC Statehood Green Party
— Greater Greater Washington
— Potomac Communications Group
— Washington Area Bicyclist’s Association (WABA)
Three BIDs support public restroom access for all members of the Downtown DC community to support a higher quality life for our residents, workers and guests.
— Capitol Hill BID
— Downtown DC BID
— Georgetown BID
The DC Fair Budget Coalition is proud to endorse the People for Fairness Coalition’s Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative. FBC strongly supports the great work of PFFC, particularly in organizing people experiencing housing instability and homelessness to advocate for themselves and their peers.
Every human being should have a dignified place to relieve themselves. People experiencing homelessness have to deal with many obstacles to manage their basic human functions and often face discrimination and abuse when trying to find a facility to use. They also may have unnecessary encounters with law enforcement or expose themselves to dangerous situations when trying to take care of their bodies. For women experiencing homelessness, access to sanitary napkins and tampons are already limited, and they need a place to safely deal with their monthly menstrual cycles. A downtown public restroom is a common sense and inexpensive way to give people a place to relieve themselves in safety and in dignity.
As a business that has operated at numerous locations throughout downtown D.C. for more than 35 years, Potomac Communications Group wholeheartedly endorses the goals of the People for Fairness Coalition’s Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative.
We agree that access to public restrooms is a human right and that denying access is not only a denial of one’s rights but also an affront to human dignity. Those who live in and visit our nation’s capital, and in particular families with young children, pregnant women, the elderly, those in need of permanent housing and others who are in any way “restroom challenged,” deserve access to clean, publicly available toilet facilities 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The initiative’s goals will also help the city’s business community by making our streets and sidewalks cleaner and safer.
We believe that as one of the country’s foremost tourist destinations, Washington, D.C. should set an example for the rest of the city and indeed the rest of the world in this regard.
The Coalition for Nonprofit Housing & Economic Development (CNHED) supports the People for Fairness Coalition’s Downtown Restroom Initiative. Public restrooms are a benefit for everyone — residents, shoppers, international and domestic visitors, and the less fortunate, including people who are challenged to find access to safe and sanitary restroom facilities.
The People for Fairness Coalition (PFC) has been a true leader in advocating for a variety of issues important to DC residents for the past 9 years. Miriam’s Kitchen is proud to support their Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative, which calls for clean, safe, and accessible public restrooms in our nation’s capital. This initiative addresses an issue of great concern to many Miriam’s Kitchen guests – not to mention many members of our community at large. We are happy to support PFC and their leadership in this work.
January 10, 2018 testimonies on public restroom bill
On January 10, 2018 the Committee on Transportation & Environment, Chaired by Councilmember Mary Cheh, held a hearing on Bill 22-0223, Public Restroom Facilities Installation & Promotion Act of 2017 which was inspired by and whose content reflected lessons learned and best practices elsewhere identified by PFFCs DowntownDC Public Restroom Initiative.
Bill 22-0223 directs the DC government to establish a working group consisting of the Department of Public Works, DC Water, the Department of Transportation, the Department of General Services, the Department of Human Services, and the Department of Recreation to:
- Identify, with ANC & BID participation, up to 10 sites in areas of the District with limited access to public restroom facilities that are appropriate for installing a stand alone public restroom;
- Authorize the creation of a subsidy program for private entities to open their restrooms to the public.
Fourteen people, representing organizations or themselves, testified at the January 10 hearing. Their testimonies, below, touched on a wide arrange of topics:
Marcia Bernbaum, PFFC Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative
Janet Sharp, PFFC Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative
Revd. Catriona Laing, Church of the Epiphany
Leonard Greenberger, Potomac Communications Group
Will Handsfield, Georgetown BID
Dr. Catherine Crossland, Unity Health Care
Patty Mullahy Fugere, Washington legal Clinic for the Homeless
Nick DelleDone, Commissioner for ANC2B04
Testimonies at DC Council Oversight Hearings
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Since 2014 members of PFFC’s Public Restroom Committee, joined by our advisors and supporters, have testified at a number of yearly oversight hearings.
Listed below, by year, are testimonies delivered at hearings focusing on the Departments of: Health, Human Services, General Services, Public Works, Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization, Transportation and Environment, Small and Local Business Development,
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]2021 TESTIMONIES
[bullets effect=”none”]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum June 3, 2021 Department of Small & Local Business Development Budget Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Leonard Greenberger, June 3, 2021 Department of Small & Local Business Development Budget Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]MarcFriend, June 3, 2021 Department of Small & Local Business Development Budget Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum January 15, 2020 Department of Small & Local Business Development Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]George Olivar, January 29, 2020 Department of Human Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Janet Sharp, January 29, 2020 Department of Human Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marc Friend. February 20, 2020 Department of Health Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, February 27, 2020 Department of General Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]George Olivar, February 27, 2020 Department of General Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, February 6, 2018 Deputy Mayor for Health & Human Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]George Olivar, February 6, 2019 Deputy Mayor for Health & Human Services Oversight Hearing [/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, February 15, 2019 Department of Public Works Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]George Olivar, February 15, 2019 Department of Public Works Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Mark Friend, February 28, 2019 Department of General Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, February 28, 2019 Department of General Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]George Olivar, February 28, 2018 Department of General Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Janet Sharp, February 28, 2019 Department of General Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, April 4, 2019 Department of General Services Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]George Olivar, April 4, 2019 Department of General Services Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Janet Sharp, April 4, 2019 Department of General Services Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Beth Merricks, April 4, 2019 Department of General Services Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Beth Merricks, April 4, 2019 Department of General Services Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, April 9, 2019 Department of Health Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Beth Merricks, April 9, 2019 Department of Health Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Janet Sharp, April 9, 2019 Department of Health Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marc Friend, April 9, 2019 Department of Health Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, April 10, 2019 Events DC Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Tim Krepp, April 10, 2019 Events DC Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, April 10, 2019 Department of Small and Local Business Development Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Leonard Greenberger April 10, 2019 Department of Small and Local Business Developmet Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]George Olivar, April 10, 2019 Department of Small and Local Business Development Budget Hearing[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, February 20, 2018 Department of General Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]George Olivar, March 8, 2018 Department of Health Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, April 20, 2018 Department of Public Works Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, March 2017 Department of Public Works Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Janet Sharp, March 2017 Department of Public Works Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, March 2017 Department of Human Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Janet Sharp, March 2017 Department of Human Services Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, February 2017 Department of Health Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Janet Sharp, February 2017 Department of Health Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Leonard Greenberger, February 2017 Department of Health Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Marcia Bernbaum, February 2017 Department of Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Janet Sharp, February 2017 Department of Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Oversight Hearing[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Testimony before the Committee on Transportation and Environment Oversight Hearing on the DC Water & Sewer Authority, February 25, 2016 by Marcia Bernbaum[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Testimony before the Committee on Transportation and Environment Oversight Hearing on the DC Water & Sewer Authority, February 25, 2016 by John McDermott[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Testimony before the Committee on Transportation and Environment Oversight Hearing on the DC Water & Sewer Authority, February 25, 2016 by Janet Sharp[/bullet]
[bullets effect=”none”]
[bullet icon=”fa-bullhorn” color=”theme”]Testimony before the Committee on Health and Human Services Oversight Hearing on the Department of Human Services, March 12, 2015 by Marcia Bernbaum[/bullet]