On Tuesday, December 20 and Wednesday, December 21, 2016, PFFC held it’s fourth annual vigil to remember over 50 people who died on the streets in Washington DC during 2016. An important theme was how needless many of these deaths were; had they received vouchers for housing in time they may not have passed away.
Vigil highlights included: a moving opening ceremony at 5 pm on Tuesday at Luther Place Memorial Church with over 150 attendees; a candlelight procession with 60 attendees to Freedom Plaza holding placards of those who died in 2016; visits on Wednesday morning with DC Council Member Mendelson, McDuffie, Evans, where they presented their asks for investment in the FY 2018 budget in permanent supportive housing (PSH) , targeted affordable housing (TAH), rapid re-housing (RRH) units for individuals; and support for adding homelessness as a protected class to the D.C. Human Rights Act of 1977..
The Vigil received wide media coverage, from: the Washington Post, the Washington City Paper; Street Sense; NBC Washington, NPR, and WUSA 9