[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Outreach, an important building block for PFFC, is closely linked with its other two building blocks: advocacy and peer mentoring.
PFFC’s outreach strategy has three objectives: (1) inform individuals who lack stable housing of efforts that are being made on their behalf to obtaining sustainable and affordable housing; (2) build awareness in the broader DC population of the tremendous need in DC for affordable and sustainable housing; and (3) bring the need for sustainable and stable housing to the attention of the Mayor, the DC City Council, and others responsible for setting priorities around affordable housing in Washington DC.
During hypothermia season, between October and March of each year, PFFC members reach out to provide individuals lacking housing with information regarding how they can gain access to shelters. PFFC also sees as an important part of its mission providing information about policies that may be of interest to individuals who lack stable housing as well as organizing the homeless community to have a stronger voice in policies and laws that will lead to increased availability of affordable housing.
Outreach is an integral part of all of PFFC’s Initiatives.
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Since 2013 PFFC, in close collaboration with the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) and other partners, has hosted three yearly Vigils whose principal objective is to honor the memories of individuals who have died on the streets. Through these yearly Vigils PFFC reaches out to individuals who lack housing, housing providers and individuals responsible for developing policy to educate them on the need for affordable and sustainable housing. At its 2014 and 2015 Vigils PFFC arranged for training around advocacy, housing rights, and health concerns for those who are experiencing chronic homeless. Speakers shared their personal experiences living on the street with no access to affordable housing.
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PFFC is in the process, in collaboration with its partners, of preparing a strategy for a Right to Housing Initiative. Reaching out to individuals who lack housing as well as policy makers to share proven approaches to provide affordable and sustainable housing is an important component of this initiative.
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The goal of PFFC Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative is to have clean, safe public restrooms available 24/7 installed in needed areas of downtown Washington DC. Fundamental to achieving this goal is raising awareness of the need for pubic restrooms, educating DC residents on why public restrooms are needed, and forming a coalition of individuals and organizations that, together with PFFC, will convince the DC government of the importance of installing and maintaining public restrooms with these characteristics. Outreach strategies to achieve these objectives include: distributing brochures and postcards that contain educational material, preparing and delivering presentations to a variety of audiences, taking advantage of opportunities to appear in the media.
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As an active member of the Anti-discrimination Initiative, coordinated by the NCH, members of PFFC have been involved in a number of activities designed to reach out to other organizations to obtain their support.