Law 22-280, Public Restroom Facilities Installation and Promotion Act, provides for two pilots: (1) selection of a standalone public restroom in two sites in…
PFFC Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative appears on NPR’s 1A aired nationally
Marcia Bernbaum and George Olivar (members of PFFC’s Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative) were honored to be invited to participate in an NPF’s 1A on…
ANCs and BIDs interested in participating in standalone public restroom pilot to return survey by October 21,2020
On September 30, 2020, the DC Department of General Services (DGS) went out to ANCs, BIDs, and Clean Teams asking them, if interested in participating…
January 10, 2018 testimonies on public restroom bill
On January 10, 2018 the Committee on Transportation & Environment, Chaired by Councilmember Mary Cheh, held a hearing on Bill 22-0223, Public Restroom Facilities Installation…
Listed below are the organizations that have formally endorsed us. As we receive additional endorsements we will update this section. The Downtown DC BID, the…
Documents available from our Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative
PRESENTATIONS [bullets effect=”none”][bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]Presentation to DC Council Members and Staffers, March 2017[/bullet] [bullets effect=”none”][bullet icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”theme”]Presentation to Working Group named by Mayor on PFFC’s…
Our accomplishments
Research Carried out feasibility study to identify lessons learned/best practices from other cities in the US and elswhere that have been successful in installing and maintaining…
Inventory of facilities with restrooms in five areas of downtown DC
Our first task was to determine whether downtown DC has a problem. Between January and March of 2015 we selected five areas of downtown DC…
How We Got Started
It all began in July of 2014 when, at one or our weekly PFC meetings, a member raised the issue. Although it was not central…
Latest News
On April 23, 2021 Mayor Bowser issued a report on Recent Incidents of Urination and Defecation. This report, prepared by the Department of General Services,…